Sunday, May 24, 2009

Book Critique of "Share Jesus Without Fear"

Bibliographical Entry

Fay, William. Share Jesus Without Fear. Broadman & Holman Publishers; Nashville, Tennessee. 1999

Author Information

William Fay was once president and CEO of a multi-million dollar international corporation and owned one of the larger houses of prostitution in the United States. Not surprisingly, he also had ties with the mob and was involved in racketeering, bookmaking and gambling. On his fourth marriage, Fay had all the accouterments of success. He didn't need God and anyone who had faith and dared share that faith to him was on the receiving end of Fay's cynicism, sarcasm and scorn.

At a baccarat table in Las Vegas, Fay received a phone call that would change his life. Fantasy Island, the house of prostitution he built in Lakewood, Colorado, had just been raided. His attorney informed him there was a warrant out for his arrest. While he received probation, Fay admits he considered it a warning that he just not get caught again or it would mean a six to eight year prison stint.

Fired from his CEO position, he promptly became employed in an executive search business. Fay was beginning to recognize that something was missing in his life, but what? On a retreat at Lost Valley Ranch in Colorado, he heard an Easter sermon about the difference between happiness and inner peace. Disgusted, he returned home. On a racquetball court a year later, he met Dr. Paul Grant, a Christian who shared the Gospel.

As Fay shares in his book Share Jesus Without Fear, Grant was the only person who expressed a personal interest in him after Fantasy Island was raided. When Grant later invited Fay to his church, Fay reluctantly said yes. The events that followed offered a new beginning for Fay for as he describes "God chose to take my life and flip it over."

Today, Fay has taught his no-argument approach to witnessing in churches worldwide in addition to sharing his faith personally with over twenty-five thousand people on a one-to-one basis. He graduated from Denver Seminary in 1987 and has written the series Share Jesus Without Fear for Lifeway Christian Resources and the notes in the Share Jesus Without Fear New Testament. His pamphlet How to Share Jesus Without an Argument has 3.5 million copies in print and his radio program "Let's Go with Bill Fay" is heard on more than 100 radio stations.
His message is simple: "If God can change my life, he can change yours." 1

Content Summary

Share Jesus Without Fear is an informative and easy-to-read book on how to effectively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a non-argumentative, non-confrontational way. William Fay begins his book by reassuring the believer (evangelist) that one’s attempt at sharing the Gospel with an unbeliever (regardless of the reaction by the unbeliever) is a “can’t miss” endeavor that will eventually pay dividends by being obedient to God’s command (p.5). While one may not see an immediate conversion of an unbeliever upon sharing the Gospel, the evangelist has succeeded in either planting a new seed of curiosity or has continued the cultivating process of a seed that has already been planted. Nonetheless, God will be pleased by the obedience demonstrated by the believer who calls Jesus their Messiah.

Fay encourages the reader to be an active participant in the evangelism process by sharing one’s testimony of how Jesus has made a positive change in their lives as opposed to living in the “sin of silence” (p.6). He urges the reader to overcome their fear of approaching the unsaved by simply engaging in casual conversations; a term he refers to as “conversation jogging” (p.30). Fay believes much can be learned about one’s understanding of Jesus and where they are in their walk with Him (if at all) by asking non-threatening questions like, “Do you have any spiritual beliefs?” or “Do you believe in a heaven or hell?” (p.35). Once a conversation has been started, Fay has the believer present the Bible to the unbeliever and has them read aloud a series of scriptures, answering the question, “What does this say to you?” Not once is the believer ever required to explain the passage to the unbeliever. Instead, Fay allows the unbeliever to resolve the question for themselves in hopes that they will be brought to make a decision as to whether or not they will accept Jesus as their savior. If they do not, Fay contends that their rejection is directed at the Holy Spirit and not at the believer who has attempted to share the Gospel. Fay writes that on average it takes 7.6 attempts by Christians sharing the Gospel to the unbeliever before the unbeliever relents to the power of the Holy Spirit and accepts Jesus Christ as their savior (p.19).

Fay addresses the issues of the conversion process including what to do next when a person accepts Christ as their savior. Fay writes that their salvation process should be tested by asking them to answer a few simple questions like, “How many sins has Christ paid for?” and “Where does Christ live?” Fay believes the new convert’s answers to these questions should reflect a true “born again” experience with such answers as, “Christ paid for all sin” and “Christ lives within me” (p.73). Fay also encourages the evangelist to pray with the new believer, guide them to read the Gospel of John, and help them in finding a church to attend.

Fay also addresses objections that the unbeliever may have as to why they can’t or won’t accept Christ as their savior. Fay addresses each objection with love, kindness. and patience; carefully re-directing the objection back to the unbeliever requiring them to give a rational answer to their own objection.

Fay encourages the reader to willingly accept non-Christians as friends in order to be a witness to Christ’s love in their lives. Although Fay is adamant that we as Christians can not bring about the salvation of the unbeliever, he tells us that God has put people of all types in our path to share the Gospel. Fay concludes his book on how to pray for the unbeliever to bring them to a relationship with Christ and reviews the steps on how to share Jesus without fear.


Overall, William Fay does an effective job in explaining how to go about the delicate task of evangelizing to the unbeliever. Fay’s purpose in writing this book is to prompt the “common” believer into accepting the role of an evangelist and carry out the “Great Commission” commanded of us by Jesus in the New Testament. Fay achieves this by providing the believer with a concise set of directions intended to bring about a conversation regarding eternal life and redemption from sin.

Fay’s effective use of the Scriptures provides him with the arsenal required to engage in spiritual warfare and his counter-offense to the unbeliever’s objections are rational, logical, and convincing. Theologically speaking, the unbeliever has little ground to stand on when attempting to justify why he has not or will not accept Christ as his savior.

An important aspect to Fay’s book is that he takes the responsibility of the conversion of the unbeliever off of the shoulders of the evangelist and places it on the only one who can transform the sinner; the Holy Spirit. Fay quotes John 6:44, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him” when reassuring the evangelist that no matter how hard one tries to persuade the unbeliever, it is ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit. Surely the reader can find comfort in knowing that all things work for the glory of God and that the very act of obedience by the believer will be honored by Him.

Applying the lessons in this book will greatly bless the ministry of those who sincerely seek to share the Gospel and see lives transformed. Fay provides clear directions down a pathway to salvation that can be easily shared by both the experienced evangelist and novice alike. If Christians are sincere in fulfilling the “Great Commission” they must first be willing to set aside their own fears and hesitations and seek the boldness and confidence that the Holy Spirit is all too willing to give. Effective evangelism begins when one is willing to ask oneself, “How do I share the Gospel of Jesus without fear?”